
Track Record

Programme Design and Development

  1. Medical logistic programme design and development for Government of Gujarat and EU
  2. Part of appraisal and design mission for National Partnerships in Sexual health Programme for DfID and GOI (UK pound 100 million programme)
  3. Part of appraisal and design team for National polio Programme funded by WB, WHO, UNICEF and DfID etc. (Approx. UK pound 200 million programme).

Strategic Planning

  • Strategic framework for sexual health programmes of DfID in India
  • Part of expert groups formed by UNCP on Strategic Planning on large systems
  • Design of national HIV strategic plan for Bangladesh for UNAIDS-ICT
  • Design and development of strategic frameworks for facilitating creations of Community Based Organizations especially of poor and at risk communities for Indian Canada Collaborative Programme on HIV/AIDS.

Policy Support

  1. Part of task force for National AIDS Control Programme phase-3 strategic planning and state level support to Madhya Pradesh, Ahmedabad, Jharkhand, Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Odissa.
  2. Part of committee to recommend costing structure for HIV projects in India for National AIDS Control Organization, GOI
  3. Part of suggested committee for capacity building at national level for Sexual Health Resource Center
  4. Part of Project Steering Committee for HIV programmes in states of Kerala, West Bengal, Gujarat.

Resource Center / Management Agencies

  1. Management of Technical Support Unit for Delhi and Haryana State AIDS Control Society funded by World Bank.
  2. DfID funded State Management Agency for Ahmedabad for HIV programme
  3. DfID funded State Management Agency for Bihar State HIV Programme
  4. World Bank Funded Technical Support Unit for the Delhi and Haryana State HIV programme.
  5. CIDA funded HIV and migration center for Maharashtra, Gujarat and Rajasthan
  6. Own funded Regional Resource Center for Sexual Health, Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS

IEC/BCC and Communication

  1. Development of Behaviour Change Communication strategy for Persons With Disability (PWD) funded by Handicap International
  2. Development of IEC material for Persons With Disability (PWD) funded by Handicap International.
  3. Development of dramas, street plays, songs for the AADHAR for industrial sensitization on HIV/AIDS with CII, AMC-ACS and AADHAR
  4. Communication strategy for Enhanced Malaria Control Program in Gujarat for Govt. of Gujarat (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare), Funded by World Bank
  5. Pilot project for IEC for Enhanced Malaria Control Program in Gujarat for Govt. of Gujarat (Ministry of Health & Family Welfare), Funded by World Bank
  6. Workshop for IEC/BCC design & development for the partners of AMC AIDS Control Society
  7. Consultative support for IEC/BCC material design & development exercise for HIV/AIDS prevention, to the partners of AMC AIDS Control Society
  8. Training & developmental soft support to partners of AMC AIDS Control Society for design & development of Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) material for HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control.
  9. Facilitation & training for design & development of Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) material for HIV/AIDS Prevention & Control for partners of Kerala State Management Agency.
  10. Development of Animated Training Module for the illiterate and semi literate audience for condom promotion
  11. Development of 172 games for the peer educators funded by Resource center for Sexual health and HIV/AIDS.
  12. Assisting Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation AIDS Control Society for the developing BCC/IEC material.
  13. Kaun Banega Nirogipati – Theme based audio development for AIDS awareness.
  14. Development of Prop Based film on various developmental issues
  15. Development of the 18 IEC/BCC films in Gujarati, Hindi, Marathi and Sikkimise.
  16. Design of Kites with HIV/AIDS awareness message during Kite fling day for Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation AIDS Control Society.
  17. Technical support to develop street plays, dramas and songs for the HIV/AIDS awareness for HIV positive group of Ahmedabad for industrial sensitization.
  18. Communication training for 27 NGO partners of the Targeted Intervention Projects of Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation AIDS Control Society.
  19. Development of stories, case studies, Trainers of trainers and preparation of speakers from peers/communities for various health themes for state governments of Kerala, Gujarat

Research / Mapping / Survey

  1. Screening for Sickle Cell Anemia among tribal population in Sabarkantha District of Gujarat for Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of Gujarat.
  2. Business Regulation & Corporate Conduct in Pharmaceutical Sector and Private Health Care Sector in Gujarat for CUTS International
  3. Grading of Model Hospitals managed by ESIC in association with Ma-Foi Management Consultants  (Three Times)
  4. Mapping of HRGs and Migrants in the state of Rajasthan funded by NACO
  5. Mapping of HRGs and Migrants in the state of Madhya Pradesh funded by NACO
  6. Mapping of High risk groups in the of state of Uttarakhand
  7. Mapping and revalidation of high risk groups in Chandigarh
  8. Resource Mapping
  9. Conducted needs assessment, concurrent monitoring and base line study the nutritional needs of PLWHA in Tamil Nadu supported World Food Program and TNSACS
  10. Evaluation exercise of Peer Education model of APAC, Tamilnadu
  11. Facilitated research study on “Migration, social capital and vulnerability and risk for HIV/AIDS: a study of Madhya Pradeshi migrants in Mumbai and Ahmedabad.
  12. Facilitated and coordinated resource mapping of prevention, treatment, care and support services for HIV/ AIDS in three districts of Gujarat funded by Constella Futures
  13. Facilitation of Mapping of IDU in Ahmedabad
  14. Rapid Mapping Study for Shekhawati Migrants in Ahmedabad for ICHAP
  15. Migrants Enumeration, Household Study and Mobility Patterns Study in Shekhawati region, Madhya Pradesh for ICHAP
  16. Facilitated Female Condom Feasibility study amongst the Female Sex Workers Group in Ahmedabad city.
  17. Coordinated and managed Sakhi Swasthya Abhiyan, an ambitious programme envisaged, by Hon. Health Minister, Government of Gujarat, to provide health care facilities to all the Female Sex Workers of Ahmedabad city. The project was in coordination with the Health Department of Government of Gujarat and around 2000 FSWs took the benefit of this camp
  18. Facilitated STI/HIV prevalence study amongst the FSWs of Ahmedabad city in 2003. The programme was being funded by Resource Center for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS (RCSHA)
  19. Facilitated STI/HIV prevalence studies amongst the MSMs of Ahmedabad city in 2004 and 2006. These studies were being funded by Resource Center for Sexual Health and HIV/AIDS (RCSHA)
  20. Facilitated modeling the impact and cost effectiveness of the HIV Intervention program amongst commercial sex workers in Ahmedabad in collaboration with London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, AMC ACS and RCSHA
  21. Training of mapping of high risk group for NGO partners in Ahmdeabad and Gujarat
  22. Desk research on in and out migration pattern in the state of Kerala funded by Project Support Unit, Kerala State AIDS Control Society.

Training and Capacity Building

  1. Training needs assessment, design, development and implementation facilitation of training for communities, peers, health professionals and NGOs team for Pathfinder International in areas of HIV prevention initiatives.
  2. Developed Learning Games to develop knowledge, skills and attitudes among semi-literate communities and peers for HIV prevention and dispel myths and misconceptions in sexual and reproductive health for Sexual Health Resource Center, India.
  3. Design, development and implementation facilitation of model projects, conversion of model projects to demonstrable projects and immersion learning circuits in contexts of sex workers communities in India for Care India through Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
  4. Team building, leadership building, resource mobilization, Project Management and Behavior Change Communications trainings for partner NGOs in Ahmedabad, Kerala, West Bengal, Delhi and Haryana for respective AIDS Control Societies


  1. Detailed survey of slums, make use of the available data and creating GIS/MIS database for the slums of Vadodara city under RAY for Vadodara Mahanagar Seva Sadan.
  2. Survey of 74 Urban Local Bodies of Gujarat under Performance Assessment System for Urban Management Center, Ahmedabad
  3. Survey of slum areas of 120 Urban Local Bodies of Gujarat under Performance Assessment System for Urban Management Center, Ahmedabad
  4. City Sanitation Ranking Project in 40 cities of Maharashtra with lead by CEPT University and funded by Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD).
  5. Terminal Evaluation of National Strategy for Urban Poor (NSUP) funded by Ministry of Urban Development (MoUD).
  6. USAID funded project of urban regeneration with lead by ICMA (International County Managers’ Association)- Focusing on institution development to enable linking formal and informal sectors of urban development and enabling finances for urban poor- Ongoing
  7. Feasibility report of development of Industrial estates and privatization of road stretches, bridges, flyovers for various clients like GoMP, Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation, Andhra Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation, UPSIDC,
  8. Assistance to GoMP in drafting MOU for technical and technological cooperation between MP and Chinese Government for Sericulture-GoMP
  9. Feasibility report of adventure tourism of the state of Rajasthan-GoR
  10. Sewerage Treatment Plant Design funded by DWSSV, Delhi Municipal Corporation.
  11. Solid Waste Disposal – Plan & Feasibility funded by Cuttack Municipal corporation
  12. e-governance initiative & effective citizens’ charter funded by Collectorate of Ahmedabad
  13. Planning & Design of Urban Industrial Area funded by UPSIDC
  14. Planning & Design of Urban Industrial Area funded by MPAUN
  15. Survey & Design of Sewage Network for Western AUDA Area funded by AUDA
  16. Prevention of Pollution in Sabarmati River under NRAP funded by GPCB
  17. C G Road, Ahmedabad
  18. Institutional analysis of water sector
  19. Manuals for Infrastructure Projects for GIIC
  20. Mathematical Modeling of Ground Water & Impact of Surface Water Irrigation for SSNNL
  21. Integrated Drainage Studies for IGNP world bank funded
  22. Inventorisation of Hazardous Waste in Selected Districts of Rajasthan
  23. Infrastructure Projects Manual Preparation for ADB
  24. Impact Evaluation of Drinking Water in Kutch – Saurashtra
  25. Impact Evaluation of Social Forestry Program
  1. Technical Support Institution for Preparation of five year perspective plan and Annual Plans (2012-17) for decentralized district planning process under Backward Region Grant Fund for Dangs District, Gujarat, funded by Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Gujarat
  2. Technical Support Institution for Preparation of five year perspective plan and Annual Plans (2012-17) for decentralized district planning process under Backward Region Grant Fund for Narmada District, Gujarat, funded by Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Gujarat
  3. Capacity assessment and capacity development strategy for Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Bihar, funded by Ministry of Panchayati Raj  and  UNDP-CDLG Project
  4. Capacity assessment and capacity development strategy for Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Odissa, funded by Ministry of Panchayati Raj and  UNDP-CDLG Project
  5. Capacity assessment and capacity development strategy for Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Uttar Pradesh, funded by Ministry of Panchayati Raj  and  UNDP-CDLG Project
  6. Capacity assessment and capacity development strategy for Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Jharkhand, funded by Ministry of Panchayati Raj and  UNDP-CDLG Project
  7. Key Issue analysis of of Panchayati Raj Institution Capacity Building and Training
    Development of Reference Guide for outsourcing PRI Capacity Building and Training (CB&T) related activities for Ministry of Panchayati Raj, GoI, funded by UNDP-CDLG Project
  8. Development of IEC/BCC materials (Prop Based films. audio songs, printed materials like innovative visiting cards, calendar, schedules etc.) for illiterate / Semi-literate target group on Panchayati Raj
  9. Development of Detailed Project Report for establishment of Panchayati Raj Institute of Training (PRIT) funded by Department of Panchayati Raj, Government of Uttar Pradesh
  10. Development of Guide for Monitoring and Impact Evaluation of PRI Training Programmes in States/UTs for Ministry of Panchayati Raj, GoI funded by UNDP-CDLG Project
  1. Inventorisation of Hazardous Waste in Selected Districts of Rajasthan for Central Pollution Control Board
  2. Project report for prevention of pollution in river Sabarmati for Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation under National River Action Plan
  3. Solid Waste management Plan for Mysore city funded by ADB under Karnataka Urban Development Project
  4. Documentation of Gujarat earthquake response funded by ADB for Gujarat Urban Development Corporation
  5. Safety surveys & exit systems for Asian paints Limited
  6. Fire safety audit for Ahmedabad District Collectorate
  7. Fire Safety training of Collectorate Staff, Collectorate Ahmedabad
  8. Rapid Impact Assessment, Earthquake 2001– Gujarat. The Institution of Engineers (India), Gujarat State Centre
  9. Environment Impact Assessment and Social Impact Assessment protocol development for GIIC funded by ADB
  10. Qualitative evaluation & process documentation of services provided and Behavior Change and Practices of traditional birth attendants initiative of CARE in earthquake affected areas of Gujarat for FICCI, CARE funded by Packard foundation
  1. Public Private Partnership for quality STI/RTI service delivery in priorated districts of Gujarat and UP, funded by NAC, MoH&FW, GoI
  2. International competitive bidding and draft contracting for Government of Madhya Pradesh for proposed expressway of Rs. 7000 million
  3. Tender preparation advises to Mysore solid waste project under Karnataka Urban Development Project funded by Asian Development Bank
  4. Project design, partners search, resource mobilization, Memorandum of understanding, design and cost estimates, project management of three km long city road in Ahmedabad executed by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation and funded by Arvind Mills
  5. Project design, tendering, project management for Rs 300 million weir cum cause way for Hajira Area Industrial Association
  6. Design, tendering and project management of 12 km road between Hajira and Surat for Gujarat Industrial Development Corporation
  1. Development of Training Modules for Gujarat Police Training Academy, Gandhinagar
  2. Impact evaluation research study on Member of Parliament Local Area Development Schemes (MPLADS) in Maharashtra and Tamil Nadu funded by Public Interest Foundation, Delhi
  3. E-Governance project with District Collectorate of Ahmedabad –As a lead agency coordinating overall conceptualization, training, developing organizational identity, identifying areas of applications and coordinating software development and hardware specifications and procurements etc.
  4. Institutional and governance appraisal for water sector enabling programme for GoAP, DfID, WB and UNICEF Indian Rupee 7000 million programme)
  5. Institutional and Governance appraisal for State AIDS Control Societies and Management Units for DfID and GOI
  6. Convergence strategies for national healthy project for DfID and GOI
  1. Gujarat venture Finance Organization- Management auditors responsible for designing, developing and facilitating implementation of management systems, monitoring performances of enterprises, training etc.
  2. Gujarat Industrial Development Consultancy Organization -Turn around strategies for selected small scale industries including short term deputations
  3. Madhya Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation-Development of International Competitive Bidding Documents for Rs. 8,000/- million expressway
  4. Uttar Pradesh Industrial Development Corporation- Concept development of a nodal management body and facilitation of development and bid preparation of commercially viable infrastructure development projects
  5. Training in human processes, outward bound programmes, structured class room type training for development of processes, skills, traits etc. for varied stakeholders for increased human performances, organizational efficiencies and souls searching
  6. Angle funds of Rs. 1,00,000/- and technical support to a young first generation biotechnologist in marketing of organic farm produced through tying up with 200 small farmers, branding and setting up distribution channels
  7. Self sustaining micro income generation programmes for HIV positive people in Ahmedabad through Aadhar, a community based organization.
  8. Training in E-marketing, resource mobilization for Non Governmental Organizations
  1. Management of CSR functions of Procter & Gamble, Baddi plant in Himachal Pradesh, India
  2. Facilitation and scoping of CSR initiatives for TATA Motors, Sanand Plant, Gujarat
  3. Baseline Study in Project area to design and develop project under CSR for CGPL, TATA Power.
  1. Recruitment, Contract management and administration of consultants for Ahmedabad Municipal AIDS Control Society
  2. Recruitment, Contract management and administration of consultants for Gujarat State AIDS Control Society
  1. Development of 10 Training Modules in English and Gujarati for the Chief Electoral Officer, Gujarat for the purpose of training election staff of Assembly Election